Twice-monthly ideas, observations, and guidance from Sam and Wedge.
Twice-monthly ideas, observations, and guidance from Sam and Wedge.
Videos, SlideShares, and documents.
As well as webinars, we often speak around the UK and Europe.
Comprehensive reports and bite-size guidance.
Major events around the world.
Crafting clear communications.
Repeatable improvement activities
‘Work’ is no longer a place.
A visual plan that everyone can understand.
A curated collection of intranet screenshots.
Ideas and guidance delivered to your inbox each month.
We help organisations across the UK and Europe.
Blog: Twice-monthly ideas, observations, and guidance from Sam and Wedge.
Downloads and presentations: Videos, SlideShares, and documents.
Upcoming events: As well as webinars, we often speak around the UK and Europe.
Content writing tips: Crafting clear communications.
Digital workplace manifesto: ‘Work’ is no longer a place.
Intranet roadmaps: A visual plan that everyone can understand.
Home pages: A curated collection of intranet screenshots.
Our newsletter: Ideas and guidance delivered to your inbox each month.
ClearBox Consulting is a specialist independent consultancy that believes in making the workplace a better and more productive experience. We understand technology, but we approach it from the people side first.
ClearBox is run by Sam Marshall, former Global Intranet Manager for Unilever, together staff and with a network of skilled associates. We all have hands-on experience of the realities of introducing change into organisations.